31 Million Members of Scouting across the world wear a variant of the Scout Uniform. These are the key uniform items worn in the different sections at Flackwell Heath. Uniform is expected at evenings and events unless otherwise specified.
Alternatively the uniform is stocked in local School Uniform stores such as PMG Schoolwear in High Wycombe.
shared identity

The general uniform layout is shared across all sections, with badges always in the same locations on the Shirt/Jumper

All sections wear the Flackwell Heath Neckerchief. We have stock available to purchase or the local uniform shop, PMG Schoolwear, often has stock. Our scarf is Black with a 1 Inch Gold Border.

Neckerchiefs are held in place by a woggle. At Beavers and Cubs these are provided in the colour of their Lodge/Six. For Scouts we request that the plastic woggle is returned and swapped for one made from leather, paracord or the like.

Blue Scout Activity Trousers are requested for all sections but only required at Scout age or above. Beavers and Cubs may wear smart dark school trousers.

For parades, we ask for polished smart Black Shoes. At regular evenings we still hope to achieve a group identity so dark coloured shoes or hiking boots are expected unless the planned activities call for specific footwear.

Beavers wear the light blue jumper, which is where all their badges go. They can also wear a polo for less formal and more active activities.

A Campfire Badge Blanket is a great place to store non-uniform badges gained from camps and events alongside badges from previous sections, to document a young person's journey through scouting. These can be made or purchased.

Cub Scouts wear the green jumper, which is where all their badges go. They can also wear a polo for less formal and more active activities.

Scouts wear the Scout Green shirt, we encourage wearing a T-Shirt underneath so that the shirt can be removed for more active activites

Explorer Scouts wear the Dark Mushroom shirt, we encourage wearing a T-Shirt underneath so that the shirt can be removed for more active activites